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Background of

The list of subjects in this section are:


Journey's Foundation
How Journey was Developed
Structure of Journey


During church-planting, we have tried many kinds of lessons. We have tried other discipleship systems and the results were always that we had to re-write them, add to them, subtract from them. 

I was impressed by Francis Shaeffers little booklet he used for soul winning, Basic Bible Study, and a message I had heard on the Ten Commandments. If it helps Church planting, it will help any church.  




Rev. John Honeycutt is the author of Journey discipleship lessons used in over 45 countries and 25 languages. 

John Honeycutt's grand parents and parents were church planters, pastors and missionaries. John, with his wife Cathy, have been church planters
since 1977 and have 3 adult children.

They were designed due to a lack of good discipleship materials for church planting.

Many discipleship materials are good at “grounding” new Believers but
fail to multiply them. 

Journey is not just a new set of lessons done in a different way with a better look.  The result is much bigger than’s the
strategy that Journey enables.

Journey has this purpose: leading people to Christ and discipling them to lead others to Christ and betrusted by their Pastor to do the same.




If you were going to choose which subjects a new Believer should learn to not only be grounded in the Word of God but to grow and be trusted to multiply, what subjects and topics would you choose? There are hundreds to choose from.

Journey has 10 lessons
inspired by the 10 Commandments:

Journey Lesson               10 Commandments in Exodus 20

1. Salvation                         Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
                                              Concept: My life is to bring 
glory to God and His Will.

Assurance                       Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image…
                                              Concept: The Bible is the 
preserved Word of God and the final authority
                                                                in my life.

Prayer                               Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain…
                                               Concept: I want to 
grow closer to my Heavenly Father every day.

Church                               Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
                                                Concept:  My church must 
believe in and only teach the Word of God.

Discipleship                       Honor thy father and thy mother…
                                                Concept:  I will spiritually multiply 
disciples to fulfill Christ’s Great 

The Future                         Thou shalt not kill.
                                                 Concept:  We are in spiritual warfare for 
the souls of every man, woman
                                                                   and child.

Spiritual Formation           Thou shalt not commit adultery.
                                                  Concept: I must mature 
spiritually to live a holy life according to God’s  

Faith                                    Thou shalt not steal.
                                                 Concept:  I believe that all things 
are possible with God.

9. Words                                 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
                                                Concept:  My words must be 
in agreement with the Word of God.

Loving God                      Thou shalt not covet…
                                                 Concept:  I will love God with 
all my heart, mind, soul and strength.




"Journey unified our church to reach the Lost." - Pastor, OH

"Without exception, everyone who has come through Journey has seen 
spiritual maturity take place and the need for counseling in the church has dropped dramatically." - Pastor, CA

"It takes a new believer who is alone and vulnerable and moves that person to a place of dependence on Christ, dependence on His Word." - Pastor, NC

"In the first six months we saw twice as many people received Christ than all of last year." - Pastor, New England

"We use the first lesson for soul winning and it’s a powerful tool. Then I can't explain what it's done for our people to see their new converts become integrated into the church and become an active

participant of the church. It’s an amazing process of what God does through this ministry." - Pastor, OH

"We've seen so many peoples lives changed, so many people come to Christ and and become soul winning disciple-makers themselves." - Pastor, WA

“Simply the best resources we have ever seen.” - Pastor, OH



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