How to Disciple
The list of subjects in this section are:
Using the Water Cooler Questions
Online Resources For You
How to Use the Spiritual Map
How to do the Daily in the Word
What is the Assurance Chart
Involvement Points
Assignments In The Lessons
There are guiding instructions built into the lessons. As you come to them, just follow the instructions. Start at the beginning and do not skip any section, page, or assignment.
At the end of each section, do what’s asked in the Reflect and Transfer. The Reflect and Transfer is designed to review and internalize the important teachings. Answer each question. Do all the assignments and activities assigned at the end of each lesson.
Reflect and Transfer
Located at the end of a Section, the Reflect and Transfer first asks a series of important questions to a disciple. Glean a response for each one. Then the disciple is asked to explain a passage that was read in the Section. Next, the disciple is placed into a real life scenario where a question is asked to prepare the disciple for “water cooler” moments (everyday conversations we all have).
The disciple will be an intuitive daily witness through the water cooler scenarios.
So by a disciple going through Lesson One they are ready to witness. What is meant by Intuitively? is throughout the Journey lessons there are over 45 sections called ?The Water Cooler Scenarios? or Water Cooler Questions. These are the top 40 questions that people in America are asking every day. Training them to answer those questions is not to get them specifically to answer it but that they would use the questions to be able to share the Gospel with that person.
For example, one of the first ones is ?How could a loving God let so many people die in a tsunami or a terrorist attack?" The suggested answer for that is to help to share the Gospel, not necessarily try to answer it. So when asked about evolution, or asked about why people die of cancer or anything else in the those top 40 questions, we help the disciple and discipler to know how to intuitively answer those questions and turn the answer to giving the Gospel.
On the Journey Training website, there are many resources for you including extra verses for each subject and each lesson. This is provided because sometimes a disciple might have more questions about the Trinity or the resurrection, or the second coming of Christ. This helps you with additional verses just in case you need some study for yourself as well as an interest that your disciple might have.
Also on the website is additional training on how to use Journey and philosophy of discipleship.
Everything is there to help you to become an excellent disciple-maker, who will multiply disciples that will, in turn, become disicple-makers in the future.
You are also able to contact us with any questions and even to order additional materials as needed.
Please let us know any questions you have or any additional resources you think would be helpful as we always want to improve what we are doing for this great ministry of multiplying disciples.
The Spiritual Map - a Witnessing Tool for Journey Users
Also known as the Gospel Chart.
In English - Print as many as you want...this is a great witnessing tool used to start hundreds of churches.
It's one page if you print on the front and back. It's a summary of Journey Lesson 1 and is a complete presentation of the Gospel with illustrations and a great look.
Reading, writing, saying God’s Word…
Write the date, the book, chapter and verse that you are writing for that day at the top of the page in your Daily in the Word note book (Lesson One explains what to get ready). Write out the verse, and after any and all punctuation you go down to the next line. Divide a long verse that has no punctuation marks where you want to.
Write at least 3 to 5 verses each day and be ready to show your discipler your Daily in the Word. The disciple and Disciplers both do their Daily in the Word each day (the Discipler may be writing in another place in the Bible).
Additional plans to expand your Daily in the Word will be placed here and you will be notified when they are ready.
Involvement points have a special icon that you can find in the Table of Contents in the front of Journey. This symbol or icon that you find throughout the lessons gives you special insight into that area of the lesson.
It may want you to know what we are shooting for in that part of the lesson. There can be many applications in the truth of Gods’ Word. You may think that the purpose is for one thing but we actually have another idea in mind, and the Involvement Point is to explain to you where we are going in that section of the lesson.
For example in a Lesson on prayer, we are emphasizing for the disciple to know that drawing close to God is the key in prayer - not just learning how to pray or how to say the right words.
There is always more information being developed in this area, so continue to check the website as this area grows.
One of the most important things to remember about the assignments in the lessons is that they are required. Do not look at them as optional, or that you can assign some and skip others because what happens is the disciple does not become fully prepared to be a disciple-maker. . .
​Every discipler has different strengths and weaknesses but you must make sure that your disciple is going to be a better discipler than you.
Otherwise, the multiplication process will be disrupted. That is one of the most important things about your discipleship - the future multiplication of disciples into disciple-makers. This is the purpose of discipleship.
So when it comes to the assignment, make sure they are done, make sure they are done correctly, and of course keep a good attitude about the assignments and keep a balance between helping a young disciple grow and helping a disciple to become disciplined.
But if a disciple is not able to do the assignments and/or the disciplers are not able to get the assignments completed, then the discipleship process is breaking down. This is not about just filling in the blanks and moving through the subjects. This is about multiplication.
So be careful to follow each instruction and do not skip any assignments, and make sure that each one is completed successfully.