Section A
Key Objective: To understand how to have faith.
A Disciple of Jesus Christ lives by faith and trusts in God, not only for salvation, but also in all areas of life.
You must be totally dependent on God, which is faith in action.
2 Peter 1:4-8
Here we see we need to add to our Christian life:
Add virtue.
Add knowledge.
Add (self-control).
Add patience.
Add godliness.
Add kindness.
Add biblical love.
In problems, trials, and suffering make the decision to rely on His power and faithfulness. Also, in great challenges and accomplishments, only trust God to lead you.
God will then give you His grace and His power. You will know your Heavenly Father in a deeper, closer way.
Have a good thought or idea for this section? Send them to journeydiscipleship@mac.com. Thank you.