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At this Involvement Point, I want to mention that is Prayer that helps us build a closer relationship with God by communicating with Him.
We and our disciples need to know God and have greater faith in Him.
On this page, I especially like the point that God is interested in even the smallest details of our lives.
Let’s continue to look at how to know our Heavenly Father through prayer.
Page 3 at Matthew 6:7
In this section, we see what the Bible says about how to pray and when we should pray.
Remember that you can communicate, talk, or speak to God anytime.
He is in you and with you always.
How do you hear God's answers or communication with you?
As you mature spiritually, you'll learn to recognize the thoughts and impressions that are from the Lord.
We'll talk about that more later.
Page 3 at Psalms 119:18
I want to remind you that you will hopefully soon be a discipler with your own disciple.
And I always like my disciples to pray at the end of each meeting.
Also, ask your disciple to pray for you and give them some prayer requests.
Even help them to develop a prayer list.
It's my prayer that you will have your own disciple in the near future.
Page 5 at Luke 11:1
In this section, we see what many call the Lord’s Prayer.
The disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, and this was his answer, ,
so it’s really the Disciple’s Prayer.
There are many principles in the “Lord’s Prayer” that show us what is important to God and that helps us to know how to build a stronger relationship with God.
Page 6
We have made a transition here in the lesson to learning about what hinders to our communication with God and what hinders our answers to prayer.
Use this section to identify any sins you may not be taking seriously.
We can all go to our Heavenly Father to confess our sins and ask for His help at any time.
Also, notice at the bottom of this page, it mentions that there are resources for prayer and praying on TheJourneyForum website.
Page 8
This is an exciting section where we see that the primary way to overcome sin is by bringing God’s Word into our mind, thoughts, and speech.
Doing this will provide the spiritual strength we need to change our behavior.
Stay faithful in doing your Daily in the Word. That activity builds a solid foundation for being devoted.
Also, on the next page, you will see the fourth step of discipleship.
Each step of discipleship is built upon a principle from God’s Word.
The discipleship book is called Journey, and there are specific steps to take in this journey to become a disciple-maker.
Carefully consider each step.
Page 9
I think an essential point in this section is for us to keep “short accounts” with our Heavenly Father.
This means confessing and rebuilding our fellowship with God quickly, meditating more on God’s Word, and having accountability as needed.
Sin can slowly invade our thoughts and our lives.
The end result will be destruction and a price to pay if we let sin continue.
Let’s stay close to our Heavenly Father, so He can impress in our heart and mind any warnings, instructions, and leading…daily.
Page 10
This section is concluding with practical ways to mature in your Christian life.
Don’t take those for granted…They work.
Then on this page is a review of the four steps of discipleship we have learned so far.
There are eight steps altogether.
They are like a road map to become a multiplying disciple-maker.
When you have your own disciple, take time to review these steps with them.
Our goal is to impart a life-long philosophy in being a disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Page 11
Here you can see that we want you to evaluate how your disciple is doing in the Daily in the Word.
Be sure that you are being faithful in God’s Word daily.
Our Lord said in John 8:31, “If ye continue in my Word, then are ye my disciples indeed.”
If a disciple cannot put time into God’s Word after you’ve lovingly done everything you can, it might not be the right time to meet.
Our goal is not just to complete the lessons and fill in all the blanks; our goal is to train a disciple-maker.
The Daily in the Word helps to evaluate the progress in reaching that goal.
Memory Verses
On this page you can see a great way to add God's Word to memory.
Some might have a hard time memorizing, but here is a very natural way to do so.
When you are doing your Daily in the Word and a Bible verse that ministers to you or gets your attention by almost "jumping off the page,” then add that verse to your memory verse section in the Daily in the Word Notebook.
You almost have it memorized at that point anyway.
Also, on the next page, you are assigned Bible verses to memorize .
These verses are you would use to share the Gospel.
It's not a large number of verses to memorize, but consider committing one a week to memory.