Remember to use all responses with wisdom with the goal of presenting the Gospel.
1. We can’t really believe the Bible - it has too many contradictions or You Christians just believe everything you read in the Bible with blind faith.
How much of the Bible have you read?
Well, do you think it is possible that if there is a God and He wanted to communicate with us that He would inspire some kind of written revelation?
I encourage you to read the Bible; it is a best seller. Many people have said that it has helped them more than any other book.
It is easy to see that the Bible is verified by archaeology, history, eyewitness accounts and literary criticism all of these things overwhelmingly support claims of the Bible.
What I love about the Bible is that its story connects with our story at our point of deepest need.
Do you think there are specific things in the Bible we should not believe?
(If they reference someone’s writing or speaking against the Bible) You mean that you just believed what this guy wrote/said with blind faith?
Attempt to share the Gospel to draw them to Christ and/or ask, “Would you like to have a one on one Bible study to see some answers for yourself?”
2. How can anyone know for sure they are going to heaven?
First of all, the Bible promises that you can know for sure, and because the Bible is reliable and God’s Word then the promises can be trusted. Plus, the Bible tells us that God has placed His Spirit in those who believe in Him.
So His Spirit cannot go anywhere but to be in the presence of God for eternity.
Also, that one aspect of salvation is that you have been adopted into God’s family and even here on earth once you are adopted you can never be disinherited according to man’s laws how much more would God’s laws be eternal?
Some lessons have : What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s life?
The Holy Spirit lives in us and convicts of us sin and gives guidance. A future lesson has more details.
Attempt to share the Gospel to draw them to Christ and/or ask, “Would you like to have a one on one Bible study to see some answers for yourself?”
3. Why are there so many religions if there is only one God?
Actually if you analyze all major religions there are only two: those that teach you have to make yourself good enough to become good, which is basically every major religion except one, and the another that says you can’t make it and you have to know about Jesus Christ. Check it out.
Would you like to know more?
Attempt to share the Gospel to draw them to Christ and/or ask, “Would you like to have a one on one Bible study to see some answers for yourself?”
4. How can you have assurance of salvation?
First of all, the Bible promises that you can know for sure, and because the Bible is reliable and
God's Word then the promises can be trusted.
Plus, the Bible tells us that God has placed His Spirit in those who believe in Him. So His Spirit cannot go anywhere but to be in the presence of God for eternity.
Also the fact, that one aspect of salvation is that you have been adopted into God’s family and even here on earth once you are adopted you can never be disinherited according to man’s laws how much more would God’s laws be eternal?
Attempt to share the Gospel, if needed, and draw them to Christ and/or ask, “Would you like to have a one on one Bible study to see some answers for yourself?”
5. After witnessing to a family member and telling them about your salvation they say, “It’s great that you’ve found something that works for you.” How would you respond?
What do you believe? (Genuinely listen to them)
I’m not really talking about what I believe. I’m talking about what Jesus said and the Scriptures teach to those seeking the truth, meaning and real peace.
Would you like to have a one on one Bible study so you can see for yourself what the claims of the Scriptures are?
Have a good idea for an answer? Send your thoughts to journeydiscipleship@mac.com. Thank you.