Atonement: the removal of sin or uncleanness by the blood of Jesus Christ
Book of Life: a book kept by God that lists the names of those who have accepted Christ
Born again: new birth into the family of God occurs when one accepts Christ
Condemnation: God’ judgment
Condemned: declared guilty as sinners before God
Correction: how to make our wrongs right
Doctrine: what is right according to the Bible
Eternal life: everlasting life in God’s presence
Fellowship: a gathering of Christians who share the same bond in Christ; friendship with fellow believers
Flesh: that which wars against our spirits
Forgiveness: the pardon or remission of an offense or crime
Gospel: the good news that Christ died, was buried, and rose again the third day and has forgiven our sins
Grace: unearned favor
Heaven: the dwelling place of God and the home of believers after physical death
Hell: the eternal dwelling place of those who reject Christ
Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost): the third person of the Godhead (God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit)
Immersion: to completely cover in water
Inerrancy: the Bible is without error
Inspiration: God literally breathed or relayed His words to the human writers
Instruction in righteousness: how to stay right
Justification: an act of free grace by which God pardons the sinner and accepts him as righteous (holy, good) an account of the atonement of Christ
Lust: a desire for what is forbidden
Meditation: thinking on God’s Word and letting it work in our hearts
Mercy: not getting what we deserve
Offering: giving beyond the tithe as the Lord leads and instructs
Office: a position of authority within the church
Ordinance: a biblical practice exercised in the local church
Preach: to proclaim the Word of God
Propitiation: satisfaction or appeasement, specifically towards God
Redemption: Christ paid the price for our sins and freed us from bondage
Reproof: what is wrong or displeasing to God
Resurrection: raised from the dead
Righteousness: an attribute of holiness that belongs to God alone
Righteousness: moral purity
Salvation: the “saving” of a sinner from the judgment of sin
Sanctify: to be set apart for God’s use
Saved: refers to one who has accepted God’s gift of salvation
Scripture memorization: memorizing specific verses from God’s Word to help us avoid sin
Sin: anything that is offensive or contrary to God’s laws
Soul: the spiritual part of our being that continues after death, also referred to as our spirit
Soul winning: personally sharing the good news of salvation with the lost
Steward: one who carefully oversees the possessions God has loaned him
Temptation: that which moves us to sin
The Lord’s Table: symbolizes Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection and is a time of remembrance for believers
Tithing: giving a portion (ten percent) of one’s earnings to the local church in order to perform the Lord’s work
Wisdom: godly discernment that comes from a knowledge of God’s Word
Witness: a Christian who tells others about what Jesus Christ has done in his life
Worship: giving God the honor, glory, and praise that He deserves