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Learn about the Journey Bible Institute
John Honeycutt, Author
Discipleship and "Ordained" in John 15
Using the Christianity witnessing tool

It's common in ministries that use the Journey discipleship lessons, for Disciplers to want to learn more. Some of them are being called to ministry, in our experience. The Journey Bible Institute takes every subject of Journey to a deeper level and includes doctrine, theology, and practical subjects. If interested click below to email John Honeycutt at worldreach@icloud.com

John Honeycutt accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour in 1960 and Cathy in 1971.
John Honeycutt went to Asia as a teenager in 1972 as his parents were missionaries with the Bob Hughes family.
John and Cathy married in 1975 while in Baptist Bible College and have been in the ministry since 1977 being ordained in 1980.
They have 2 daughters and 1 son who are all adults.
Church Planting
Responding to God’s calling in 1987 John and Cathy have personally planted 4 churches in Metro Manila, 1 in Hong Kong, partnered in the USA in starting 2 churches, and partnered with over 500 National church planters in Asia to establish churches.
World in Need International Baptist Mission sent them to minister the Word of God.
In recent years, “doors” have opened to minister to Chinese and they spend the majority of their time on this focus now.
They personally plant churches and partner with National Church planters.
Rev. John Honeycutt is the author of the “Journey” discipleship lessons used in over 22 countries.
In free areas, when they start a church, it is with a trained team of nationals that are experienced soul winners and disciplers.
They have 30 days of outreach and church services every night. During that time they are winning souls to Christ, conducting outreach Bible studies and gaining one on one disciples.
There are 30 objectives they are endeavoring to reach in the first 30 days.
In closed countries or areas, the objectives are the same but the strategy is different.
Partnering with National Church Planters:
Their partner church-planters have completed training in their ministry or through their home church and they have experience in pastoring and church planting; they are not new to the ministry.
In addition, these new pastors believe in starting other churches with their own personnel and resources once they become self-supporting.
Obviously, support is required to establish new churches. This support takes on two forms:
Financial support – In most countries, $900 will start a new church, providing total support for the pastor and his family for the first year and a half in order to give them a strong start.
Livelihood support – In many areas the people need a means of income in order to support their church with offerings. We have provided animals, seed, trees, equipment and goods toward this goal. A one time gift of $900 will establish a new church in Asia.

In this chapter Jesus gives His most intimate and final instructions to His disciples and there are many important principles for discipleship in this chapter. But He begins to wrap it up in John 15:16 when He uses a very powerful word “ordained.” In this verse He said that they had not chosen Him, this was His plan to use us to multiply disciples, it was His plan that He had pre-ordained, pre-decided that we should go forth and bring fruit and that our fruit should remain.
The next verse He reminds them of the simplest command for discipleship, to love one another. But that word ordained is a very powerful word in the Bible, it’s the same word used to show that the position of everything in the world and the universe has an exact place or position. If the sun was any closer to the earth no life could survive. If the earth was any farther from the sun then life could not survive here. The word ordained is used in relation to position of planets, countries, the oceans, everything in the universe was pre-determined exactly where it should be in order for life to propagate and continue to grow and multiply.
This is the word that He uses for us, that when we are leading people to Christ, and multiplying disciples then we are exactly in the place we should be. Exactly where God wants us to be so that new life can be born into the kingdom of God and multiply.

The Christianity Tool is a summary of Lesson One designed to meet with a person that you want to make a complete presentation of the Gospel. This is great for family members you see all the time and you can say to them “Would you like to sit down and see for yourself, from the Bible, what it says about salvation?” Then it would take about four meetings to go through the Tool with them, but you can be assured that they have had a complete presentation of the Gospel.
This witnessing tool is a smaller booklet that has some illustrations in it and it’s available on the TheJourneyForum.com website. It’s also great for people you work with or anyone that you interact with consistently and you want to know if they are receptive and that they have had a very complete presentation of the Gospel.
This witnessing tool is a smaller booklet that has some illustrations in it and it’s available on the TheJourneyForum.com website. It’s also great for people you work with or anyone that you interact with consistently and you want to know if they are receptive and that they have had a very complete presentation of the Gospel.

Rev. John Honeycutt is the author of Journey discipleship lessons used in over 40 countries. They were designed for his Church-Planting ministry through World in Need International.
John Honeycutt’s grandparents and parents were church planters, pastors and missionaries. John, with his wife Cathy, have been church planters since 1977 and have 3 adult children.
World in Need International began in 1972 with the vision of missionary partners John Honeycutt Jr. and Bob Hughes and their desire to make a difference. Since that time, several ministry and projects are active on each continent.
World in Need International, Inc. is an American non-denominational, non-profit ministry recognized by the IRS as a 501C(3) tax-exempt organization. U.S. Federal Tax ID #59-3048894.
Contact Information:
World in Need International, PO Box 470578, Celebration, FL 34747 USA
World in Need International starts and mobilizes local churches to multiply soul winning disciple makers.
Our goal: 2 million disciples.