Your Strategy in Discipleship

Journey develops intuitive soul-winners.
One of the great benefits of using the Journey discipleship materials is that there are features built in to the materials to develop people into being able to witness intuitively or in a natural situation.
First of all, Lesson One is an A-Z lesson on the subject of salvation. Once a disciple has gone throughout that lesson they will know more about salvation than the average Christian. The number one reason people are not a good witness is they are afraid that they might mess up the eternal soul of the one they are witnessing to.
That’s why sometimes I will have church members bring someone to me and say “Pastor Honeycutt, here is so-and-so and they are ready to be saved.” They were not confident in the Gospel to share it with them personally.
Well, Lesson One is A-Z on salvation and solves that problem. There is also a tool for Lesson One called ‘The Spiritual Map.’ This is a summary of Lesson One and is presented on one sheet of paper on both sides, and it can help the new, young or any Christian to be able to share the Gospel and stick to the major points and also it illustrates the Gospel. It’s a great tool!
So by a disciple going through Lesson One they are ready to witness. What is meant by “Intuitively” is throughout the Journey lessons there are over 45 sections called “The Water Cooler Scenarios” or Water Cooler Questions. These are the top 40 questions that people in America are asking every day. Training them to answer those questions is not to get them specifically to answer it but that they would use the questions to be able to share the Gospel with that person.
For example, one of the first ones is “How could a loving God let so many people die in a tsunami or a terrorist attack?" The suggested answer for that is to help to share the Gospel, not necessarily try to answer it. So when asked about evolution, or asked about why people die of cancer or anything else in the those top 40 questions, we help the disciple and discipler to know how to intuitively answer those questions and turn the answer to giving the Gospel.
This is what the Bible says on how to be ready to give an answer. This is how intuitive, evangelizing soul-winners can be developed in your ministry by using the Journey Disicpleship Lessons.

Student Journey contains 2 sections with 13 lessons each. They can be used for 2 quarters.
The goal is for students to disciple each other, one on one, peer to peer.
The first section of Student Journey covers these subjects:
The second section is an effective study of Ephesians 4-6. These lessons are highly effective and spiritually grow young people closer to God and His Word.
There are Resources online for each lesson.
The same book is for the discipler or disciple. Each book has blanks and the Church Leadership gives the answer sheet to their Disciplers.
Every page has additional resources on the website and has at least one QR Code (Quick Response Code) so the students can see an introduction, or a summary or additional thoughts from their smart phones while using the lessons.

There are guiding instructions built into the lessons. As you come to them, just follow the instructions. Start at the beginning and do not skip any section, page, or assignment.
At the end of each section, do what’s asked in the Reflect and Transfer. The Reflect and Transfer is designed to review and internalize the important teachings. Answer each question. Do all the assignments and activities assigned at the end of each lesson.
Reflect and Transfer
Located at the end of a Section, the Reflect and Transfer first asks a series of important questions to a disciple. Glean a response for each one. Then the disciple is asked to explain a passage that was read in the Section. Next, the disciple is placed into a real life scenario where a question is asked to prepare the disciple for “water cooler” moments (everyday conversations we all have).
The disciple will be an intuitive daily witness through the water cooler scenarios.

Don’t have periods of time where you never meet together - meet together every week and twice a week if you can.
Don’t talk about your disciple or discipler to others; keep your conversations confidential unless something is life threatening or very serious - have a close relationship built on trust.
Disciples should not work on the lessons on their own - it's important that the disciple only work on the lessons with their Discipler and not in advance.
Don’t add your own subjects to the lessons - each topic and section has been carefully designed.
Don’t skip sections or assignments - when you discover the teachings from God’s Word for yourself, it goes “deeper.”
Don’t give your disciple to another Discipler - a stable relationship produces better results.
Don’t think the Daily in the Word is optional; after doing everything you can, if your disciple will not take time for God’s Word consistently, you have to get a new disciple. You cannot reproduce bad disciples. They’ll just fade away anyway.

What About Memory Verses in Journey? The Journey discipleship lessons start to talk about memory verses in Lesson Three. Of course before that time in every "Reflect and Transfer" and sections of the lesson the disciple is encouraged to memorize any verses that really stand out to them. That is natural way and a more spiritual way to connect with the verse and bring them into their heart because it's something that the Holy Spirit is pointing out to them.
In their Daily in the Word, the writings of the Word of God, they are encouraged that if any verses really jump off the page to commit them to memory. That is another very natural way to memorize the scripture and to hide it into their heart.
But in Lesson Three there are approximately 25 verses that they are asked to learn by the end of the Lessons, and that is not a lot of Bible verses, but they are all verses that are related to sharing the Gospel. Those are the only ones that we check up on.
There are some disciplers that are more strict about this and give more memory verses to their disciples, that is great, maybe their disciples are hungry for that but it is not something that is required in the lessons. It is something we know that the more a disciple gets into the Word of God, the more the Word of God they are going to want.
We encourage a lot of memorization, but we like it to be done in a natural way. It is key that every disciple be ready to witness at any time.

Publicly recognize the discipler and disciple when they finish each lesson. You probably can only do that at the beginning of your discipleship ministry, but it's a good idea and it will "turn the lights on" for many people. They will begin to say to you "I see what we are doing now."
But make a very special recognition at the end of lessons 5 and lesson 10; publicly recognize the discipler and disciple.
Lesson 5 calls for a commitment to be a disciple and to go on to be a disciple maker and to be giving in the church to help the Gospel expand. This lesson is a key lesson in the spiritual growth of the disciple.
Also, publicly award a diploma at the end of the final lesson, but only if they have their own disciple.

The strategy is reproducibility: Reproducibility is a word normally used in the science field. It means that an experiment produces the same results no matter who does the experiment under any conditions.
Journey is reproducible and designed for multiplication. Everything in Journey and the way Journey is used has this principle in it.
When the disciple completes Journey they can do the same.
For example, compare Journey to a New Converts class. New Converts Classes are not reproducible. The new convert cannot teach new converts when the classes are finished.